Communication from your mobile device seems slow or erratic & the Glory Smart app displays one of the messages below which does not disappear after a few seconds


Connecting: Your mobile device is trying to connect to a network


      • You are out of communication range or devices are powered off

    Synchronising: Your mobile device is synchronization to the network but not receiving verification back


        • Your mobile devices’ Bluetooth cache may need clearing

        • Possible Island issue (see separate Troubleshooting guide)

      Communicating: Your mobile device is sending/receiving data to/from the Glory Smart cloud which


          • Your mobile devices’ Bluetooth cache may need clearing

          • Possible lost or poor Internet connection

        The configuration is out of date: The configuration on your mobile does not match the Glory Smart cloud


            • Possible network configuration changes made on another mobile device more recently than when you last connected your own mobile device to the network

            • Multiple people making simultaneous changes to the network configuration

            • Possible poor internet connection

            • Disabled ”Push notifications” on your mobile device & someone else makes network changes


          General: Check you have a good Internet connection & are in communication range of your network

          Synchronising: Methods to clear cache & re-establish Bluetooth connection


              • Switch off/on Bluetooth on your mobile device

              • Switch your mobile device to flight mode for a few seconds

              • Fully close & reopen the Glory Smart app

              • Switch off & restart your mobile device

              • Power the network devices off/on

            One or more of the above options usually resolves most communication issues unless an “Island issue” exists

            The configuration is out of date: Try to edit the network & message 1 appears (note the slight differences in the two messages)




                • 1. Select “Yes” & the configuration on your mobile device will try to refresh to match the Casambi cloud server configuration (if this version is newest).

                • If the cloud version is older than the local version on your mobile device you will be prompted with the second message

                • 2. Select “Yes” to update the Glory Smart cloud server to the same configuration as stored on your mobile device